User Name:  >>> your username <<<

Password:  >>> your password <<<

Email Address:

*User names & passwords are in lower case.

Start or Home Page:

Access Numbers:

        South Hill - 955-2053

        Kenbridge - 676-1666

        Blackstone - 298-1314

        Chase City - 372-0474

        Emporia - 336-9513

        Gretna - 656-8800

        Clarksville - 374-2839

        Clover - 454-2270

        Lawrenceville - 848-9752

        Halifax/South Boston - 517-6103  

        Chatham/Danville - 792-5725

Server Information:

            Outgoing Mail (SMTP)  

            Incoming Mail (POP3)   

            News Server                  


 E-mail –

Technical Support – 1-888-886-3007

Account Information – 1-888-886-3007

Internet Connection Instruction for Windows 98

NOTE:  These instructions assume that you are familiar with the basics of using Windows and the Mouse.

 1.               Click on “Start”

2.               Choose “Settings”

3.               Choose “Control Panel”

4.               In Control Panel, find the “Internet” icon.  This will usually appear as a blue “e” and a hammer.

5.               Open (double click) “Internet” icon.

6.               The Internet Properties dialog box appears.  Click the “Connection” tab at the top of the box.

7.               Click “Connect.” The Internet Setup Wizard appears.

8.               Choose “I have an existing account through my phone line…”This is the second of three choices.  Click “Next.”

9.               Choose “Select this option if you are accessing the Internet using an internet service provider…”  Click “Next.”

10.            Choose “Connect using my phone line.”  Click “Next.”

11.            If prompted, choose “Create a new dial-up connection” and Click “Next.”  If you don’t see this choice, proceed to Step 12.

12.            Enter the corresponding access number that is local to your area.   [See above Access Numbers]                    

Remove the check from the box next to “Dial using Country Code and Area Code.”  Click “Next.”

13.            Enter your user name and password.  Your user name is the part of your email address before the “@”. MAKE SURE THAT BOTH OF THESE ARE ENTERED IN LOWER CASE LETTERS.  OUR SERVER WILL REJECT THEM IF THEY CONTAIN CAPITAL LETTERS.

14.            Choose “Yes” to change the advanced settings.  Click “Next.”

15.            Choose “PPP.” Click “Next.”

16.            Choose “I don’t need to type anything when logging on.”  Click “Next.”

17.            Choose “My Internet Service Provider automatically assigns me one.” Click “Next.”

18.            Click “Next.”

19.            Change “Connection to xxx-xxxx” to “Mecklenburg Communications Services, Inc.”  Click “Next.”

20.            Choose “Yes” to set up an internet mail (email) account.  Click “Next.” If prompted, Choose “Create a new Internet mail account.” And click “Next.”  If you do not see this choice, proceed to step 22.

21.            Enter your full name in the space provided for “Display Name” and click “Next.”

22.            Enter your email address (provided with your setup information) in the space provided and click “Next.”  NOTE:  Make sure your email address is entered in lower case letters.

23.            Choose “POP3” for “My incoming mail server is a …”  Enter the corresponding mail server addresses provided with your setup information.  Click “Next.”

24.            Choose “Log on using POP account name” and enter your user name and password.  Click “Next.”

25.            Click “Next.”

26.            Choose “Yes” to set up an internet news account.  Click “Next.”

27.            If prompted, choose “Create a new Internet news account.” And click “next.”

28.            Enter your full name for “Display Name” and click “Next.”

29.            Enter your email address and click “Next.”

30.            Enter the news (NNTP) server name (provided with your setup information).  Click “Next.”

31.            Click “Next.”

32.            Select “No” and click “Next.”

33.            Click “Finish.”

To connect to the Internet, double click the “Internet Explorer” icon on the Windows Desktop.


Internet Connection Instructions for Windows 95


Step 1:  Click Start in the bottom left hand corner of your screen.

Step 2:  Choose Run from the menu choices.

Step 3:  In the appropriate box type A:\Setup.exe   Insert Windows Disk

Step 4:  Click OK

Follow instructions on the screen for installation.

This will install Internet Explorer 3.0.

Step 5:  Do you wish to continue?     Yes

Step 6:  Choose:  I agree to software license

Step 7:  Choose location:        C\:Program Files     OK

Step 8:  Restart your computer now?     Yes

Make sure to remove any floppy disks    OK

Step 9:  Choose OK

Windows 95 will restart now.

 Step 10:  Double  click The Internet Icon on the desktop.

Step 11:  This starts the internet conectin wizard.    Choose next

Step 12:  Setup options:     Choose manual

Step 13:  Welcome to the internet setup wizard.      Choose next

Step 14:  How to connect?       Choose Using my telephone line     Next

Step 15:  Use Internet Mail?     Yes I want to use internet mail.      Next

The computer will now install your files.

You may need your Windows 95 CD or diskettes

Step 16:  Choose Next

Please insert disks as required.

Step 17:  Type Mecklenburg Communications Services, Inc. in the space for Name of Service Provider      Next

Step 18:  Type in phone number:  [See List Above] Next

Step 19:  Enter username and password in the appropriate boxes all lowercase    Next

Step 20:  IP Address   Internet Service Provider automatically assigns me one     Next

Step 21:  Enter in server assigned DNS  - you do not need to enter DNS settings.

Step 22:  Internet Mail Choose:  Use internet mail

     Type in your e-mail address:

     Internet mail server:                           Next

Step 23:  Finish configuration         Choose Finish

Step 24:  Restart your computer?    Choose Yes

Step 25:  Double click the internet icon

Step 26:  Use Internet Explorer default browser?       Choose Yes

Step 27:  You will now connect to the screen

Make sure user name and password are entered correctly.

Step 28:  Connect

 The default screen goes to Microsoft’s Internet Explorer page if you would like to start at our page do the following:

Step 29:  Click on view, then choose options.

Step 30:  In the options screen choose navigation.

Step 31:  In the address bar under customize type:

Step 32:  Choose apply.

Step 33:  Choose OK

Step 34:  Maximize the window until you see the icon for mail in the tool bar.

Step 35:  Enjoy surfing the net!!!


Step 1:  After connecting to the internet maximize the window until you see the mail icon on the toolbar at the top of your screen.

Step 2:  Click on the mail icon and choose read mail.

Step 3:  follow the instructions on the screen keeping in mind the following:

            Your user name is ______________.

            Your Password is _______________.

            Your Email address is

            The SMTP Mail server is

            The POP3 mail server is

You log in using a modem & Mecklenburg Communications Services, Inc is the name of your dial-up networking connection


Setup 1:  After connecting to the Internet, maximize the window until you see the mail icon on the toolbar at the top of your screen.

Step 2:  Click on the mail icon and choose read news.

Step 3:  follow the instructions on the screen keeping in mind the following.

            Your Email address is

            The NNTP or news server is

            You log in using a modem & Mecklenburg Communications Services, Inc. is the name of your dial-up networking connection.

            You do not need a user name or password to connect to the newsgroup server.