Internet Setup: Windows 98
1. First double click My Computer > Control Panel, and double click the icon labeled Internet Options. An Internet Properties window will appear. 2. On the first page, change the homepage to www.meckcom.net. 3. Click on the Connections tab at the top and click the Setup button. 4. A new window will appear labeled Internet Connection Wizard. 5. Choose the Third option (I want to set up my internet account manually). Click Next. 6. Choose I Connect Through a Phone Line and Modem. Click Next. 7. On this screen, first make sure “Dial using the area code and country code” is NOT checked, and then enter your appropriate access number in the box. Click Next.
Dial Up Access Number
696-3249 or 292-3066. 8. In this step, enter your User name and password that you chose when signing up. Click Next. Ř Your Username: _________________________________ Ř Your Password:__________________________________
9. Remove the connection name and replace it with meckcom. |